Help your child with Maths
How to Help Your Children at Home:
Regular practice of Times Tables and number bonds at home will really help your child to develop confidence in maths and secure the knowledge that underpins a good understanding of various maths methods. There are a number of online resources which provide useful information and provide exciting ways for children to practice their maths skills at home. When practising at home, we generally recommend that a little bit of practice each day is better than trying to do too much all in one go.
TimesTable Rockstars
At Heyford Park, we use TTRockstars to improve our times tables. All of the children have a personal login and we expect them to practise their times tables regularly (a little bit everyday if possible) at home, using the website.
What are the aims of TTRockstars?
The programme has one aim - to boost times table recall speeds.
What are the benefits of Times Table Rock Stars?
Incorrect answers are always immediately corrected in front of the pupil so that they start to associate the correct answer to every question. The clever code behind the scenes works out which times table facts each pupil is consistently taking longer to answer and then it gradually starts to present these facts more frequently until pupils have mastered them. It will also ask related division questions 20% of the time in order to reinforce division facts.
The White Rose Maths website has a number of resources to support children’s maths learning at home:
- ‘Maths with Michael’ (Maths with Michael | Michael Underwood | White Rose Maths ( a series of videos and accompanying guides for parents which cover some key concepts in primary mathematics.
- The one-minute maths app (1-minute maths app | White Rose Maths ( )which allows children to practice key maths concepts on a mobile phone or tablet (including a downloadable reward chart).
- Free workbooks (Parent resources | Maths workbooks | White Rose Maths (
There are a number of other online resources which can be used to practice maths at home, including:
TopMarks – a range of free interactive games and activities covering lots of different areas of maths (
BBC Bitesize – has all sorts of online resources, apps and lessons to help learn maths at home (also covers other primary curriculum subjects;
Maths Frame: Huge array of activities and teaching tools includes the Multiplication Table Check Emulator for Year 4.
Family Numeracy Parent Toolkit has a wealth of tips, activities for children and advice for parents (
My Mini Maths: A website with daily activities for Years 3 to 6. In addition there is daily practise questions to prepare Year 4 children for the Multiplication Tables Check (
Doodle Maths for Year 6 children (
Click here to access the White Rose Maths Curriculum used in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2
Click here to access the White Rose Calculation Policy (Addition and Subtraction) Which we follow in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2
Click here to access the White Rose Calculation Policy (Multiplication and Division) Which we follow in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2